09 January, 2013

You know I've Struggled with My Weight...

My New Food Pyramid.....

21 Days. That's what it takes to start a habit. 

I've put my diet plans on my blog before, embarrassing, I must admit...they worked a little, but I always gain the weight back plus even more!

So this is my new plan....

1. First and foremost, I want to glorify the Lord with my choices, including those in the food area.
So with the help of Lisa Terkeurst's book, Made to Crave, Satisfying Your Deepest Desires with God Not Food," I will learn to go to God, not food.

2. Despite my arthritis and Fibromyalgia pain, I commit to walking every day, and at least try to do the Connect dance game once a day..!

3. I will give up sugar for 21 days. Hopefully trying to create a habit.

Wish me luck but more importantly, pray for me. I need to lose weight. My life depends on it.


Unknown said...

I would love your comments, this is hard for me.....

Susan said...

I'm with you, sister! Our church is doing a Daniel Fast, and we tried to do it last year, but William got sick, and I'm having to track my carbs now because of high blood sugars... So we've given up sugar for 21 days too. I've almost finished day 3, and I can't say that I feel very good. It is hard, but I think it will be worth it. I enjoyed Made to Crave. I did the study at SEEK. I should probably re-read it! I'm trying to walk and dance too, but my ankle isn't working right at the moment. :-/ Love you!

Unknown said...

Love you too---THANK you for the support!! Very much appreciated!!!! (It's hard, isn't it--people don't get it)