08 November, 2012

In preparation for Thanksgiving

Getting ready for Thanksgiving, Turkey Day, Day of Giving Thanks...

I cleaned out our home school library; 4 bags for Goodwill. books, games, etc.


Cleaned out the pantry, so that I could make room for the Thanksgiving food and condiments.

7 Harris Teeter bags full of food for the food pantry. I will deliver tomorrow.

Four years ago I was in Africa shootin' the breeze with a lovely Mozambican woman. In conversation it came up that I have a "pantry," I explained, an actual "closet," where I store food.

This lady's jaw dropped in disbelief. I didn't understand why, until she asked, "how in the world did I have money or the means to acquire food to store for the next day, much less for a month or more!?"

This lady only knew that, by the grace of God, her food comes one day at a time.

I felt shame.

I felt embarrassment.

I only know what I grew up with in this land called America.

And yet, at age 46, I still hoard my food.

I wish I had the faith of this Mozambican lady.


Carolina Pixel said...

Humbling to say the least. Thank you for sharing.

Julie DenBeste said...

We take so much for granted in America. We are so blessed to live in this country. It is important for us to be reminded that everything we have is not ours but HIS. He gives and we must give also! Thanks for sharing with your food pantry. Every little bit helps! God has blessed you and God has blessed America. I pray we all remember that this Thanksgiving.