08 August, 2011

Lost 2.5 lbs!! Count Down to Africa-9 days!!

AWESOME beach trip with my family!.....long dreamy bike rides through peaceful pathways and alongside beautiful beach houses, many of those rides sporting my gorgeous husband next to me. (Amazing I didn't fall off gazing at him!) Golf cart rides up to Starbucks to relax and chat, and share 37 years worth of family beach memories and traditions. Walks on the beach with my older kids to discuss future plans, college plans and just silly things. Laughing, lots of laughing. Long afternoon swims in the pool, after coming home from the beach, resulting in prune-like extremities. Going on our annual trip to our favorite pizza place, and fish restaurant...

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? All these things really did happen, I just decided to leave out the bad stuff! And there's tons more good stuff to report. But I'll stop here; and announce, that among the ice cream pit stops, the latte gatherings, the pizza parties, etc.....I managed to lose 2.5 pounds!!!!
I am THAT excited. You may have noticed that I haven't blogged for awhile. It's because I haven't known what to say. I have been at a standstill with my weight, and it was getting me down, real down. Many of you contacted me to support me and lift me up, see what was going on--THANK YOU!!! It helped a lot. 

NOW--I leave for Mozambique in 9 days!! I have lost a total of 12.5 pounds. Although my pain is still there, ever surging through my body, I feel surprisingly good. That didn't make much sense on paper, maybe it did to those of you with chronic pain. 
It is before 12 and I have already driven Jason to work (our truck broke down last night), gone to the grocery store, made several phone calls, did some business work, a few loads of laundry and am now off to hunt and gather for the trip.

Please pray for patience, calmness and a sense of clarity as I dive directly from the beach to preparing for Africa. I will update you about my adventure along the way.

Many of you approached me about your promise to financially support my weigh down for Africa.  I stand in tears as I had already convinced myself that my lowly 12 pound weight loss was not worth it. 

Thank you for you support. It has touched me deeply.

Joanna Emery
8409 Smith Rd. Apex, NC 27539
Make checks out to NHF and put Africa Mission Crafts 2011 in the memo. The money will go towards supplies for the children.

From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you.

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