06 August, 2011

Home from the beach!!! Off to Africa in 12 days!!!

Overwhelmed!!! Well, didn't lose my 50 lbs., really bummed about that! (More on THAT, later!)  back from an awesome but very emotional trip at the beach. I am so spoiled, 2 weeks!!! WHO goes to the beach for two weeks????? Only spoiled" people, like me.

Now, I stand.......overwhelmed. I leave for Africa in 12 days. My "To Do," list is about 27 pages long. My personal life is in turmoil, and my bi-polar is at risk of rearing it's ugly head. More to come, hopefuly soon. But no promises. I need to stabilize my life. I am confident that I can do that. Just give me some time.

Please though, don't give up on me.

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