17 August, 2011

Africa Here I Come!!

Ready or not (more like not), here I come! The house has been cleaned, for the most part anyway. The groceries have been purchased. The lists of who goes where and when they have to go have been put together and hung on the wall. The emergency numbers, the allergies, the chores, the school work, all on another wall. The animals situated, the work clothes ironed, and much, much, much, more.

I've packed. And re-packed. And re-organized. And re-organized. All into one tiny suitcase. And then...the ministry supplies into 3 large yellow bags. Soccer balls and such  will be donated and many projects will be done with the children. I love those children! I've copied phone numbers, addresses, misc. information. I've filed my nails. Most importantly, I've plucked my mustache which only means; I must be ready to go.

Woke wide awake at 4:30am. It was as if I had tooth picks in my eyes, I'm talking wide awake! Stayed awake. Prayed for all my kids, my husband, grandma, friends and family.  Prayed for my oldests' safety and support and grace as she moves into a new apartment and new discipleship program--the day AFTER I leave. Prayed for my son who gets his license while I'm gone! I have to let go, I have to let go. Let God, Let God!

Letting go. I cried for the most part of last week. I broke down for every little thing. It became laughable at one point. But now I, amazingly, have a sense of calm. There is nothing else I can possibly do to get ready. It is time. Time to go. Time to let go.

Our plane leaves RDU at 2:30 and we arrive in Pretoria, SA at 6pm their time, Thursday--1pm our time. Then on Friday we fly to Mozambique.

Please pray for my family. For their safety, for their willingness to seek God in the hard times, for them to go to each other. Please pray for our team. For our safety and for us to be in God's will alone the way. Thank you.

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