05 May, 2011

Low Carb Wednesday; Acorn Squash and Osama

For bible study "Low Carb Wednesday," I made simple chicken topped with crushed tomatoes, a gargantuan salad, acorn squash cooked for hours in water and chopped strawberries with home-made whip cream. Big success!!

Now for Bin Laden.
I have come to the conclusion that my selfish "worldly" self is happy that Bin Laden is dead. But my Christian self feels sad, confused and embarrassed by being an American right now. I really like what Tony Campolo has to say. He has written several entries about Osama Bin Laden's death.

This is a small section from "Red Letter Christians" a Blog by Tony Campolo

This is a somber moment. It is a time for serious reflection not a reason to dance, sing and chant patriotic slogans. I am not justifying or defending Osama bin Laden. He got what he deserved. He drew his sword and now he is dead by the sword. But his bloody actions and our celebratory reaction to his death all point to the same problem inherit in all of us. We love death. Jesus knew this. He knew how we love to enact revenge and how revenge just continues to grow and grow into more and more bloodshed. Yes, bin Laden is in all of us. So remember, to all of us who delight in killing be careful, for as Jesus reminds us, “all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Revenge never ends it only grows into more bloodshed, murder and mayhem. And in case some Christian brothers and sisters who are reading this blog disagree with me please consider the words found in the book of Proverbs,

“Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice.” – Proverbs 24:17

 Any thoughts?

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