02 April, 2011

Butt Crunches in the Shower, Lots of Rambling.

I'm workin it people!! I'm trying so hard. Tomorrow is weigh in--yikes! What if I didn't lose anything? Will I disappoint everyone? What if I lose a huge amount, then gain it back next week? It has started to hit me that EVERYONE is watching! What did I do?!

But you all are keeping me accountable, and I feel it. I also feel the lovin'! So many hints and tips, so much support and 5 CHALLENGERS!!!! Thank you everyone! I can't decide whether I feel like I'm on Biggest Loser or on a reality show--I guess a little of both.

Yes butt crunches in the shower. For those of you who don't know me personally, thank goodness you don't have a visual. For those who know me, I'm truly sorry! But how, oh how did I ever let this excess ripplage of fat to form on various parts of my body?! Where was I? What was I doing, why wasn't I running for my life? (So to speak). It's just grose.

And since I've been thin and fat before, I can talk...

For those who judge the fat people or have thoughts in their head like; "Why don't they do something about that?' I have been on both ends. I actually spent my childhood trying to, what I thought was "help," two very good friends lose weight. I used to hide their food. I used to say, "Don't eat that!" I used to mention it constantly. I used to think in my head, why do they want to be fat? That's gross. Well hello, NO ONE WANTS to be FAT!!! It sucks! People stare. People watch what you eat. People make comments. It feels bad. Sometimes I wonder if I'm paying for the thoughts I used to have about others. But I know God doesn't work that way.

By the way, I just found out that one of my medications is suspect in my gaining weight. I can't go off that particular one--lovely.

When you see a rather large person don't judge them.

Enough rambling for now.

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