28 March, 2011

The Great Africa Weigh Down; Prayerfully Consider Accepting My Challenge!

This is my breakfast. I need to lose 50lbs.

I want to do it by August 17th, the day I leave for my next mission trip to Mozambique. My name is Joanna and I am going to be really honest. I am also going to take one of the biggest risks I have ever taken. I am going to keep a blog journal on my journey towards getting in better shape. Please join me, make honest comments, give advice, and if it is in your heart please take the "Great Africa Weigh Down" Challenge! What is that, well, Jason my husband is paying me $4.00 per pound that I lose and doubling it if I make it to 50lbs by August 17th. That money will go towards the $2800 that I need to raise for the trip. You too, can donate money towards my weight loss and mission trip. Pledge 20 cents, 50 cents, anything per pound. Email me for more information jandjemery@nc.rr.com

This is what I look like now.
 This was 5 years ago.

My Story:

I have Fibromyalgia. I can't always exercise, it hurts. I have a thyroid problem. I didn't, until they took 1/2 of it out-then I gained 65 pounds. Now I feel like I'm hungry all of the time. My dad is overweight. So is a lot of my extended family. I always said that I am different than them; maybe not-so-much. I love vanilla ice cream, but I would eat a loaf of bread with butter before any sweet dessert! I used to be able to lose 10 pounds with no problem. Not now.

I hate being fat. People watch me when I'm eating, I wonder what's going through their minds. I pass by a store window and wonder who that person with the humongo butt is. My clothes don't fit right. I stumble more often and lose balance. My arthritis hurts more, I lose breath when I walk up the stairs. I've been thin and I've been fat, Fat sucks.

I've tried, oh so many times, to lose weight. But I've never had accountability with anyone. Now I'm going to have it with everyone. Extreme and risky...yes. That's me though, I don't do things regular. I don't do things typical.

What to eat:
He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth. Psalm 104:14 

I am going to start with a bible diet; Daniel's Diet. I am still reading about it but the jist of it is that you eat the natural foods that God has provided. Does that include the coffee I just had, well, my first concession that will have to be an ongoing downfall. I don't drink soda, only water and coffee- OK and wine sometimes. We'll just have to see how that goes.

Please pray for me.

More to come.


Unknown said...

Hey Joanna. Takes a lot of courage to do this. I'm gonna be there for you!

Unknown said...

I knew you would, thank you!

Unknown said...

Hi Joanna,

I will pledge $1 per pound :)

Unknown said...

Really!!!!????? Thank you soooo much!! I need the support-thank you!!

Steph said...

I'll pledge 50 cents a pound :)

Unknown said...

Steph, I'm so excited I'm going to ride the bike RIGHT NOW!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Christina said...

So proud of my sister! I am pledging $5 a pound. You go girl!

My get skinny tips...eating God's diet is the way to go. If he didn't 100% make it, don't get it. Shop only the perimeter of the grocery store. Eat organic when you can. Take probiotics daily.

The Whitten in us LOVES white stuff...meaning bread, rice, sugar,potatoes,pasta....all of that is a no-no. Makes us bloated, retain water, foggy brained and achy. Drink lots and lots of Alkaline Water...bought at health food stores. At least 8 ounces every 2 hours. Add a lemon or citrus which helps you digest food. What works well but takes time to see any results is Spinach salads with only a little olive oil, salt and pepper, avocadoes, onions, garlic, mandarin oranges. Jason's Deli is the best way to pile up your salad with veggies and stretch your buck by getting a To-Go container and eating yummy salad that lasts for days.

Basically pray for self control and strength, eat lots of soup and salad and walk 10 miles a week. Then you will have no problem earning your money plus getting in shape to boot. Good Luck!

I love you just the way you are, but support you and will celebrate with you when you achieve your goal.



Unknown said...

WOW!! Are you sure?? Thank you, Now I'm crying--I want to call you bu the phone is tied up right now---THANK YOU!!