28 March, 2011

Yes, I had a glass of wine!


My family is out for ice cream at this very moment. I just plastered 2 spoon fulls of plain tuna on my thighs. That was in addition to this dinner pictured above. Yes, I had a glass of wine. 130 calories. I'm not perfect. But gosh darn-it, I want to be skinny. I got a lecture from my 2 oldest on the downfall and horribleness of the processed cheese and bacon bits on my salad. I figured I did well not to eat the BLT and turkey sandwiches that they all had. But will "doing better," get it?? Probably not! I did so much better overall today. I had pine nuts and almonds as a snack, and I didn't eat the whole package, I thought that was good. But I didn't follow the Daniel Diet. I will study that more and make alterations to it that I can live with- tomorrow. Today, I can live with the fact that I rode the stationary bike for 7 minutes (and am not writhing with pain, yet) and have done a better than average job today. Tomorrow--I will do even better--I wonder if I should join Weight Watchers--never considered it before now. Now I need to go to bed and NOT get a snack. Wish me luck.

What do you think?

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