30 March, 2011

I Survived Yo Pop, Salsa Chips and a Bit-O-Honey!

I DID NOT DO IT!!  I did NOT purchase a Yo Pop yogurt when my son dragged me into the shop to get one for himself, I did NOT dig into the yummy salsa, chips and cheese that were specifically calling out my name at my friends house and I did NOT unwrap and stuff the Bit-O-Honey into my choppers, that I found wedged beside my car seat and cup holder. This was all last night, I didn't write last night because I was exhausted from all the stuff I DID NOT do!!
This was last nights dinner. I panicked when I remembered that it was the Middle School Girls bible study at our house. That only means one thing; PBJ and Nutella night. So in between getting ready and driving Macy to soccer I stopped at the store for something quick and easy for me. I passed by all the raw healthy stuff around the perimeters of the store and went straight to the frozen section--wahla (SP?), a Lean Cuisine-310 calories. Not only did I surpass the delicacies of the PB and J meal, but I sat by the fire while they roasted fire-crisp-mellows and proceeded to make s'mores right in front of drooling face--(they are so mean). I survived the night without another thing to eat. I'm proud.

According to the articles around these days, to lose weight America says that I should take Humon Chorionic Gonadotropin--what's that you say; well, it derives from the placenta. Nough said, I don't do what the public says.

In fact, I prefer what God says:
"I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29

Two people are sponsoring me!!! One dollar a pound. I secretly wonder if I could lose 500 lbs. I was so excited when I found out that I immediately rode 10 minutes on the stationary bike. (Remember folks, that's very good for me. I am in pain today paying for it.) But don't tell me that this isn't working so far. That's incentive to me. I've had offers for people to walk with me and diet with me. I've been given lots of good advice. I've received lots of prayer. Thank you so much everyone! 

Until tonight...


xana emery said...

I hope you don't loose 500 pounds, because then there would be negative you.

Unknown said...

You're too nice sweetie, but reality is, I need to lose EVEN more than 50lb.! I love you!