05 November, 2012

Am I helping or hurting, please comment and follow to help me out!

Revolution In World Missions: Final thrust to reach the 10/40 window 

Now I am almost done reading, "Revolution in World Missions," by K.P. Yohannan.

To some it up in very simplistic terms he suggests that as people from North America we are self-centered and need to send money to foreign missions rather than missionaries. Of course, he goes into explanations and detail.

Now, before you get upset, and deeply bothered, I would suggest that you read the book as I am not qualified to sum it up properly and do it justice.

I, however, will admit, that I have been on a one year journey to find answers as to why I go to Africa to do mission work, and quite frankly, am I doing any good.

"Jesus was compassionate to human beings as total persons. He did all He could to help them, but He never forgot the main purpose of His earthly mission: to reconcile men to God, to die for sinners and redeem their souls from hell. Jesus cared for the spiritual side of man FIRST, then the body." pg. 123.

How many times have I been in Mozambique loving on the people and the children, but not teaching the gospel?

How many times have I been in Mozambique and painted on the buildings and handed out toys and lollipops, but have forgotten to preach the gospel?

Basically, the answer is 7 years, for approximately 2 weeks each...

I am searching desperately, what is the answer. I want to help, not hurt. Perhaps I should just send the money?!

Suggestions, comments...please!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

These people, these children--they need help. They need lollipops and toys, they need love, they need someone from somewhere in the world to do things that words and money are not enough to do.

You are a very special person for helping these people. One doesn't pray to a person who has fallen in the street--you help them. I'm sure the children and families of Mozambique are grateful for God's word, but are far more grateful for your physical signs of affection, hope, and guidance.