28 October, 2011

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis I gave an unlucky (or maybe not so unlucky) Praying Mantis a 4 mile ride on the hood of my car today. I looked up while driving and there he was, on the hood of the car, close to the windshield wipers, believe it or not, hanging on for dear life. At least, that is what I witnessed and believed. This is my story and I stick to it.

I immediately pulled into a neighborhood and parked by the woods. I lifted him ever so gently in my hand. He grabbed my hand with his sticky legs like there was no tomorrow. In my head I was thinking, there almost was not tomorrow for him, but luckily he found himself on probably one of the worlds only persons car who would actually stop to give him hope and a new life.

Hope and a new life. That sounded like something God would do. Perhaps this is why this little cute green life has been on my mind ever since the little bugger made me late for my doctors appointment.

I actually had a dialog going on in my head during his precarious ride, "Hang on tight, just a little further, I will help you, don't give up, trust me!"

Maybe it's because of the bible study my small group is doing right now, "Life's Healing Choices; Freedom From Your Hurts, Hang-Ups and Habits," by John Baker. Maybe, just maybe it's because this weeks', "choice," was to "Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover."

I was this little Mantis's God. He hung on to me for dear life with his little green sticky feet. When I tried to release him onto a tree, he would not let go. Maybe I need to be more like that with God. Maybe I need to trust harder and hang on with all my might with even the smallest small seed of faith.

My life has been hectic, if not just crazy. I am still battling with my weight, as you blog followers have probably guessed. I am in so much physical pain, I fell on my butt, which has only made my sciatica plummet to new depths, my one child is out of control with disrespect and the laundry list goes on. I will spare you the details.

Maybe God will set me in a new place a new setting, like the praying mantis now lives in the woods, instead of at my house (I'm assuming that's where he hitched on). Maybe God is asking me to hang on really really tight with a new, scary situation. Maybe I just need to reach out with my sticky hands...and hang on really tight!

And you know what, it suddenly makes sense that it was a "praying," mantis!

"Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

 Praying Mantis

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