04 June, 2011

Was my craft booth a success? What defines success???.....

WAS IT A SUCCESS??!!  Let's analyze...

This event was to raise funds for my mission trip to Mozambique in August. Well, I need $$2,400 more dollars to get to Mozambique in; I made $220.00. I put more than $220.00 into inventory! I got sunburned, basically to a crisp, even after 7 layers of albino-rated lotion. I'm diving into a migraine as I type. My daughter was home sick with fever all day, the one who planned to run the booth with me. She was crying when I left at 7am to set up. My 19 yr. old helped to set up and stayed for hours even though she had other intentions for the day. The lady in the tent next to me smoked and blew smoke into my space at least 7 times. She said to me, "You MUST not do many shows, I can tell because your table clothes are so new!" She also said, "You must have the best camera EVER!" The ultimate put-down for the true photographer.


1. The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
2. The attainment of popularity or profit.

Let's break this down! According to the top paragraph, I'm NOT to sure that I was a success today. I even cried about my lack of sales near the end of the day. (Yes, true tears).


What I didn't mention; NINETEEN friends, including my pastor, visited my booth today! They didn't all buy something, BUT, they cheered me on, they gave me advice, they went and got healthy food that fit my special diet, they got iced cold drink s for me, let me run to the bathroom (OK, port-a-potty), 2 of them took my daughter on the rides while I worked, and  a couple showed up, expectantly, to help "take-down and pack up." WOW, I am blessed! The woman  in the booth next to me, the one who blew smoke in my face, she had strangers visit and purchase all day, but she leaned over to me and said, "You must be somebody pretty special to have all these friends come by!" SUCCESS!!

God Gave Us the Ability to Produce Wealth
Deuteronomy 8:18 - He gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.

That's when it hit me, perhaps, my definition of success is not on target.
My definition of success was to make a lot of money. But by the grace of God, I have friends. Friends who truly care. Pure treasures in heaven. These gifts of mine, I will be able to take with me. And what about all the people I talked to through-out the day, all the strangers who came into my booth. We talked about the work in Mozambique that is being done, how Gods works and how He provides. You know what, for 6 years I have been concerned about getting the funds for Africa, and for 6 years the funds have been provided, even up to very, incredibly, last minutes.

The lady who smoked, we hugged when I left. We made friends. Also turns out that her husband grew up in Zimbabwe and we had deep, meaningful, conversation.

It's funny, as I left, I counted to money SHE made and considered her a success. But as we drove down the road and I reflected upon my day...I KNEW that I was the SUCCESSFUL ONE.

Thank you to my dear friends.

Tomorrow I weigh in.....


xana emery said...


Unknown said...

By the way, as I was lying in bed last night, I remembered that I forgot to mention in my post that the man from Zimbabwe said that I was a first...a first what I asked? The first missionary woman he's ever seen with with tattoos. He's telling me this as his button down shirt is only buttoned once by the belly, revealing his gray hairy chest and many tattoos. He went on to explain that one day he was at the beach and a little kid yelled as he pointed and said look at the man with all the ugly pictures painted on him. He said he never revealed his tattoos again--what about today, sir! as I was forced to look away from his hairy chest.