13 April, 2011

Purple Cauliflower and a Broken Toe?

Purple cauliflower for dinner. It is packed with anthocyanin, a flavanoid jam-packed with antioxidants. I threw it in a hot pan with olive oil, fresh garlic and some red pepper. If you cook it this way you don't spoil the nutrients. It was yummy.
Either I tripped and forgot, or riding 20 minutes on my bike broke my toe. Another ailment. Another hurdle to overcome. I didn't go to the Doctor. I don't know that it's broken for sure. But it hurts like the bagee-bees.

Ate a danish Monday. It wasn't worth it. I felt stuffed and yucky afterwards.

Last night my daughter and I were sitting in the car waiting for daddy to get something in the grocery store. We were discussing the bible verse.

Matthew 7: 15-17 "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can't produce bad fruit and a bad tree can not produce good fruit."

Then a man walked right past the very front of our car, really close to touching it, holding up a massive bunch of ripe yellow bananas.

We figured he produced good fruit:) Thanks for the visual God! It was funny.

The rest of last nights dinner. Anden (my 16 yr. old son) cooked salmon on the grill. (Very good!) I made a butter with dill and chopped onions in butter for the salmon. Then had a huge salad with low carb dressing.


Paula said...

Hi there!

Your dinner looks yummy. And such good support from your family! Impressive! Don't give up, Joanna. It is hard, hard, hard, but through Christ ALL things are possible. Lean on Him today and He will strengthen you. And I will say a prayer for you. Paula Jennings

Unknown said...

Thank you--I needed that!~

Unknown said...

Hi Joanna! Purple cauliflower looks better than white - of course garlic makes everything better. Might have to try that.
I'm definitely going to make those quesadillas soon.

You and Jeff (& Debbie) have been quite inspiring with your decisions to eat better. I'm not very motivated and i don't even have those extra pains.

You're doing great! Try not to get discouraged. I'll defnitely say a prayer for ya.

You drink much tea? I know i had been drinking too much soda - so i'm trying to cut back. Been making green tea to drink at work - do you like it? The kind i'm trying right now is pomengranate.

Not bad! of course i read somewhere you need to drink at least 5 or 6 cups a day to get any weight loss benefit. haven't worked my way up to that many!