15 April, 2011

Forget Caulitflower, Life is hard.

I'm having a good day, generally. Then why am I eating so many sunflower seeds. Who's holding me accountable? Me, myself and I?  And all that look at my blog.... It's all about choices...that's what I tell my kids. It's all about choices, this life.

I am getting older, I am starting to have hot flashes, and I am hungry, gosh darn it, why can't I eat whatever I want to eat. Why do I even want to eat. My stomach is NOT growling. I am not suffering. I am NOT in NEED. I am emotional. Very "emotional" week. Deep conversations about the "bible," about "issues" with one of our kids, about "college," about "life," with "bible Study."  I am emotionally empty. Not A BAD week, just an emotionally draining one. So, I go to the bible. It will fill me, right? So why am I still hungry,  Is it hormones, the thyroid?

I struggle. Two days til weigh in.

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